09/12/2019Query mysql update home and siteurl table wp-option wordpressCâu lệnh SQL update url website wordpress UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, 'http://www.oldurl.com', 'http://www.newurl.com') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR […]
09/03/2020Automatically Set the WordPress Image Title, Alt-Text & Other MetaChèn vào file function.php /* Automatically set the image Title, Alt-Text, Caption & Description upon upload --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ add_action( 'add_attachment', 'my_set_image_meta_upon_image_upload' […]
19/06/2021Disable quyền ghi file wordpressdefine( 'DISALLOW_FILE_EDIT', true ); define( 'DISALLOW_FILE_MODS', true );
11/06/2020Theme wordpress – betheme bản chuẩnBetheme version 1.6.2 https://github.com/Themes-wordpress-pub/betheme-version-1.6.2.git
21/02/2024Allow upload csv file for wordpressFunction allow upload csv file for wordpres in function.php